Bearded Baritones

Who are we?

From 2008-2012, Josh, Dan, Doug and Jake all sang as part of The Water Boys at the University of Waterloo. One term, while away on co-op Dan sang with the Peninsulaires of the Far Western District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. He came back with a binder full of music and desire for more close harmony and the Baritones got together in Winter 2009. We've been singing together ever since.

In Spring 2013, we competed in the Collegiate division of the Barbershop Harmony Society International Championships, placing second (of two) in the Ontario section. As part of the leadup to the competition, we were lucky to receive some excellent coaching from Jordan Travis and Barry Towner. This really opened our eyes to what barbershop music could be and pushed us to sing more in the style.

Since then, we've continued singing together regularly, and have learned some new songs.

Meet the Baritones

Jake "Stubbles" Redekopp

Sporadically bearded, and somewhat below baritone, "Stubbles" is the Bass (4th baritone) of the group. By day, Jake battles computer code, and by night he loves to ring those barbershop chords! He also loves to sing during the day, given the chance!

Photo of Jake

Doug "The Fuzz" Epp

"The Fuzz" alternately sings first, second, third and (rarely) fourth baritone, depending on the song. A founding member of the Bearded Baritones (along with Dan, Josh and Jake) Doug never passes up on an opportunity to make sweet music.

Photo of Doug

Dan "Babyface" Balzerson

The only baritone without the ability to grow a beard, “Babyface" tries to make up for it by taking his facial expressions way over the top. Dan spends his days thinking of ways to dominate the ultimate frisbee field and his (Wednesday) evenings making sweet sweet harmony.

Photo of Dan

Josh "Whiskers" Matthews

Josh writes computer programs by day, and has been known to teach barbershop tags to the programmers sitting around him in the office. When he grows up he wants to be a firefighter.

Photo of Doug